Saturday, June 4, 2011

Хочешь ли представлять Россию?

Я буду за границей за две недели сейчас.  Я вернусь 20ого Июня.  Хочу что мы занимаемся Июль, Август и Сентябрь.

До сих пор вместе 14 людей занимались уже Австралийском Футболом.

Мой План:

1) Три команди:  Академгородок; Политекник (или Студгородок) и Красноярский Город.
То есть Академ, Политек, и Город.

2) Каждая команда есть 9 человек на полу, и 2-3 больше на скамейке.

3) Основать официальный клуб- Красноярский Футболны Клуб.

4) Сентябрь- Маленкий турнир между командами. Я надеюсь что мы можем использовать стадион, даже Локомотив.

5) Приглашать представителя <<AFL Europe>> смотреть турнир.  Что он может выбрать членев команди <<Россия>>.  Тоже происходить новое соревнование Австралийского Футбола в Москве этом году. Но кроме этого не бывает в Россий.

6) Команда Россия будет соревноваться в Белфасте (Северная Ирландия) в Октябре.

Это стимул для всех!

Поэтому, давай всем играть. Пригласи твой друзья. Это шанс заниматься прикольным новым спортом, и даже представлять Россию!

Новые парни сегодня

Сегодня большинство студентов готовиться к екзамен. Поэтому наши цифры было меньше.
Трёх парней занимались первый раз сегодня. Хорошо соревновались и участвовали.

Было сложно бегать когда 30 градусов, но все переиграли отлично.

Евгений ещё играл сегодня, поэтому его команда выиграла.

Политекник 5.0.30
Академ 0.1.1

Команда Академ былиа совсем новые сегодня.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Akadem v City

Week 6 of this experiment has concluded.  At the start only four of us turned up- Evegenii, Oleg, Valera and myself. We had a good run for an hour and a half. We mostly played "keepings off", but also had some simple kicking practice. I guess it's easy when learning a new skill as an adult to forget the correct way to do it.
It was interesting for me to discuss catching techniques. I explained that it's important to wait for the ball to come into the palms of the hand and not snatch at it with the fingers. Most Aussies would take this for granted. But when you consider that soccer and ice hockey are the most popular sports then it is easier to realise that people have not had as much practice catching a ball with the hands. (This is not true for people who play rugby or basketball.)
After an hour and a half we had nearly quit, as it was a hot day. Summer has started in Krasnoyarsk, it was 25 C. Just as we were ready to leave, four of Valera's friends turned up. They had all  played rugby in school (so they have some ball catching skills- at least on the chest). But we were keen to share the game with the new comers.
I was keen to teach the skills of the game, but most just wanted to start a game. So we played, and I played too while umpiring at the same time. The game had a different dynamic from last week, due to the rugby players present. Their ball handling skills are definitely an asset. There are definitely things to learn though, such as catching the ball in the air. The biggest tendency for our rugby friends (Sasha, Oleg, Vanya and Vladimir) was to throw the ball when they thought they would be tackled.

The game stopped at:
Akadem 5.3.33
Krasnoyarsk City 4.0.24  (Our rugby friends.)
Another win for Akadem, but the score was much closer this week.

I then stopped the game, due to the ball being thrown too much. We had some training drills, especially in handballing while running. We also had kicking/ passing drills, and two people at a time competing for a high mark. (This competing for the mark had the desired effect of people not simply waiting for it to come to the chest, but sticking their hands in the air to catch the ball.)

Instead of posting all of the photos a second time, you can see them on the Russian review of this weeks session and game.

Академ : Город

В субботу 28ого Мая, у нас были 8 человек.  Но с начало, только 4. Как четыре мы занимались полтора часа, было жарке - 25*C.

До сих пор все учатся навики Австрофутбола лучше. Мы практиковали ударить мяч с ногой, ударить с рукой (хэндбол), и как правильно марковать (поймать).

Мы почти закончились когда четыре новие человека являлись. Они друзья у Валери. Я хотел объяснить и практиковать навики. Но большинство просто хотели играть конкурсом. Начинались.

Команды были другие. Академ ещё играли мач, и новая команда "Город" (так "Красноярский Город.") Члены Города все занимались Регби в школе. Но, когда занимались Австрофутболом, часто забили что нельзя бросать мяч.

Игрой произошло хорошо. Академ ещё выиграли.

Академ 5.3.33
Город 4.0.24

Но, резултат ближе етой недели.

Потом, я решил остановить мач, потому что люди часто бросали мяч. Мы занимались "дрилами" что учиться правильно навики Австрофутбола.  Все занимались отлично!  Молодцы всем.

Конкурс четырёх.

Это как марковать мяч.

Хорошо намарковал Евгений!

Марковать с ладонью, не с палцами!

Как ударить.


Валера ударил мяч.

Евгений, быстро бегает.

Олег ударит.

Паша маркует.

Это как ударить с рукой.

Это как пасовать с ногой.

Krasnoyrsk Footy has started

Australian Rules Football has started in Krasnoyarsk.  

A few years ago I was also living in Krasnoyarsk. I had an Australian Rules football with me. I had no intention of starting a team. But I enjoy sport and there's nothing like "having a kick of the footy". So I invited a Russian friend of mine to kick the footy with me. 
You can see the story here:  Footy in Russia, May 2008.

Then I returned to live in Australia to do further linguistics studies. I returned to Krasoyarsk to live in May 2010. I didn't feel like I had anyone to kick the footy with and so nothing really happened.

Coming into 2011 I have been feeling a lot more settled in here in Krasoyarsk. I wanted to be more active in the community so I decided that I might put some signs up around the local community to advertise Australian Rules Football. I still haven't got around to putting up the signs, but people have started coming.

What I have done is invite everyone I know, repeatedly. A neighbour (Oleg) took me up on this at the end of April. For three weeks in a row he was the only person who responded to my invitations. But we were having fun kicking the footy, so I was happy. Some of the young people watching on were curious and had a bit of a kick with us. Perhaps these people will join us at a later date.

Then in the fourth week Valera, (who I had met at the Bravo English School where I teach in Akademgorodok) also came along. He had wanted to earlier, but had been unable to. Three people, wow! I decided not to give up. Growth is growth.

I invited some other students I knew. The fifth week (May 21st) we had four people. We played a scratch game of 2 on 2. Hey, we were keen. Then after a little while, another three students turned up. It was exciting to have 7 people. I pulled out my umpire's whistle and we had our first semi-organised game.

I asked everyone playing what we should call the teams. One team (which I will claim allegiance to) was "Akadem" short for Akademgorodok, where we are playing and some of us live. The other team was called "Polytechnik" because all of the students on that team study at that institute (which is just a few bus stops away).

The scoreline ended up as:
Akadem 5.3.33  (That's 5 goals- worth 6 points each and 3 "behinds" worth 1 point each.)
Polytechnik 2.1.13 (That's 2 goals and 1 behind for a total of 13 points.)

Yevgenii and Michil compete for the ball up.

The ball has gone out of bounds.

Oleg, about to take a "mark".

The umpire (me) has just thrown the ball in, after it went out of bounds.